Saint Angela Merici

1474 - 1540

Saint Angela Merici

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 2, 2002 at 12:45 pm


“I am Saint Angela Merici. When this little one through whom I speak first heard My Name spoken, she was much concerned over Who I was, because she had never heard of Me.

The Father’s Love for human life is a Love beyond what a human mind can possibly understand the Beauty of, or the Magnificence that Exists in This Love. It is difficult for many human beings of all ages to openly address the Fact that a Divine Exists.

The human mind has, and always has become accustomed to what they see with their eyes, what they feel with their hands, using these Gifts of life to help them better understand; but I assure you, The Father’s Love for human life is a Gift Far Greater than the human mind can comprehend It to be, understand It to be, imagine It to be, because the human mind was instilled to assist the body of many practical adjustments, abilities, capabilities, giving to human beings a world totally different than other things created who live for a given time, that exist alive, and then suddenly it no longer exists. This list is endless in its number, because The Father, in His Love for human life, gave so many other Gifts, that to human life are things that do not, are not, and will never be connected to the human flesh, the human mind, because these things consist of different entities of productivity.

The Father, in His Great Love for the Creation of human life, consistently and constantly favors human life with a fuller understanding of what a Precious Gift it is to be born a human being, thus giving it mentality, many characteristics too numerous to mention; also, abilities of the mind in which The Father, in Love of all there is for human life to have, is constantly instilling new things, new ideas, and of course, the common name ‘new inventions’.

So much could be written on the Deep Love The Father has for human life, and the Importance of human life, because it has a Portion of Him within it; That Portion will be the remaining Portion at a given time. That is why it is so important for all human beings of all degrees of knowledge, background, understanding, realize that there will be a Portion of them that will Exist for All Time, way beyond what the human mind can fathom it to be, because It is a Portion of The Creator of All Things.

Thousands, if not millions of Words have been delivered through this Special Time, encouraging human beings of all types, all heritages, to more fully understand that to be created in the human way is totally a Gift of Divine Plan, and it has a Purpose, it has a Goal for a Portion of it that no one ever sees, because within human life there is a Portion of The Creator of All Things, called ‘the Soul’.

We hear so many individuals say: ‘If I have this Portion of The Creator, why can I not see It? Why can I not feel It? Why can I not talk to It? Why does It not talk to me?’ This Portion of human life is felt in many ways; logically speaking, in all the facets of human life that help a human being understand the importance of Faith in a Creator, and also, the importance of morality over immorality, purity over impurity, and the logic that these are Gifts beyond the human mind’s ability to fully understand, because the human mind has so many distractions, abilities, and different manners of living daily life.

The world has been Blessed abundantly through one simple voice. The Words that have been requested to be put into script, will give to millions of human beings, at another time perhaps, a greater understanding of what a Treasure human life was, is, and always will be, because it bears a Portion of The Creator, not seen, not actively felt, but obviously inwardly present.

Thousands, even millions of Words have been put into script, instructing human beings of all degrees of intellect to be aware that to be created in the human flesh was and always will be, a Gift of Divine Love, and has a Purpose, a Goal, a Reason, because of That One Portion within it, called ‘the Soul’.”