Saint Irenaeus

c. 130 AD - c. 202 AD

Saint Irenaeus

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 21, 2000 at 1:13 pm


“I am Saint Irenaeus. I have not spoken many times through This Gift of The Father’s Divine Love for all of mankind. Today as I speak, I speak with much Love and concern because of the Importance of human life and the Goal for which it was created.

There is very little spoken or instructed on the Soul of human life, sometimes purposely neglected because it is difficult for some so-called ‘very learned’ men, women, to fathom such a Gift, to realize the Importance of this Gift that The Father gives to human life, because of all that human life is instilled with and responsible for.

When a child is learning to accept certain responsibilities, those in charge of the child or those who are instructing the child, oftentimes lose patience when the child does not respond to their liking. The Father has given to the world a Miracle beyond what human life can fully perceive, but logic says It exists, because All that has been delivered through It is so beneficial to the mind, the thinking power in all ages of human life.

True, We All speak differently when We address the subject of the Importance of This Gift of Divine Love. This Statement I have just spoken is important, because what one human being will understand thoroughly, could be a complicated situation or matter, and then there are others who would find It very simple. So, in All that is delivered, it is done in a way, a degree, a formula, that all different degrees of learning will be included in understanding what is best for them.

Today as I speak, it is important to Me, because of the Souls of millions of people of all degrees of intellect that will be helped by the Words so Many Here from the Heavens are given the privilege to speak. I could go on and on.

It is important that the written Words be passed throughout the world because one Lesson could save several Souls. The Soul is the Most Important Part of human life because It is a Portion of The Creator of human life and all other things. So be it.”