Saint Peter Canisius

1521 - 1597

Saint Peter Canisius

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 2, 2002 at 12:42 pm


“I am Saint Peter Canisius.

I smile when I say My next Words. This little one The Father has chosen for such an Important Task, at one time attended the school that bore My Name. She often asked those in charge what I was like. It was innate in her to want to know these things.

The world has been Blessed through The Father’s Will regarding the Souls of human beings throughout the world. No human life is created without bearing That Portion of The Creator that gives to human life a Special Meaning above and beyond all other living matter or things.

Throughout the world, it is sad for Me to say, there is so much irreverence, indifference, casualness, and a lack of understanding or belief, that for human life to be created there has to be a Supreme Power.

Today as I speak, there are thousands of men, women and children who have no Faith in a Higher Power. They concentrate only on what they see as the manner in which human beings are born, and that each human being is subject to the ones in whom they were physically created.

Each day Hundreds, or even Thousands of Saints, are aware of This Miracle of The Father’s Love for human life. Many have spoken at the request of The Father, because it is so important for all ages of human life to fully understand that to be born the human way has a Special Gift of Divine Plan; also, the Goal for which it is gifted to receive at a given time is the Highest Goal, too high for anyone to truly perceive the fullness of, the Greatness of.

All that has thus far been delivered, put into script, has been put in this manner to awaken the minds of millions of human beings of the True Existence of a Creator, and that human life has a Goal for a Portion of it that cannot be seen, but It is daily a Part of each human life, in everything a human being participates, practices, endures.

All of The Saints Here in the Heavens love This Miracle of The Father’s Love for human life, because there is such great purpose for It, giving to those who are yet to live it, a chance to better understand, more fully comprehend, that life goes on, even after the human part of it ends.

As I close My Words, I bless those who put Them into script for millions to be able to read What The Father Wills for human life of all ages, all backgrounds, all degrees of understanding, to more fully want to please Him, because of the Soul that the individual is gifted with, that is to be returned to The Creator, hopefully in the Love It was first presented at another time.

All of The Saints Here in the Heavens love This Miracle of Divine Love, This Gift in which so much is delivered. It is The Father’s Will that This Gift be spread throughout the world because of the Souls that need the one in whom They were placed at the moment of conception, to more fully understand there is a Goal for the Soul to return to from Where It came, for a Life different than the human way of life, but Greater in many ways than the human mind can perceive It to be.

It is nice to hear one human being say to another one, ‘God bless you.’ You could say it quietly, without anyone hearing, but the Soul enjoys hearing it being spoken, because of the closeness the Soul is to The Creator in all facets of life.”