The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 9, 2005 at 12:50 pm


“It is with Deep Love I speak at this time, because of the Importance of how this little one walks in My Name, to help the Souls of more individuals than the number shows. Her appearance bespeaks many times What I Will others to know.

There is so much I have delivered to awaken the mentalities of those who hear the Words or read the Words, to more fully understand, to be a human being is a Gift of Divine Plan, designed by The Creator of All Things. Each Word that is spoken, is delivered, it is not her thought, but her obedience to Divine Will, Divine Way, Divine Interception. She says, ‘It is a privilege, my Father, that You allow me to do what I do in all that You say.’

As I close These Words, or I should say, We All close the Words, We remind her We will return when it is necessary to deliver What The Heavenly Father Wills to be done through her.”