Saint Not Named

Saint Not Named

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

December 16, 1969 at 11:35 am


“You have heard the story of Fatima and you have been introduced to the phenomena of Lourdes, the Miracle of Guadalupe, and numerous other Visions that God The Father permitted to happen. In each one Miracles were and are being manifested by Her. People travel far distances to stand among crowds, to feel a Spiritual growth or a physical cure. They go there with great anticipation, in full knowledge they will not see Her Presence, but with the main desire to be where She was said to have been in a visible form. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands have gone, are going and will go, all to stand where She was to have stood.

Many Spiritual gains have taken place, non-descriptive, unexplainable by the individual, and yet felt. The sick, the lame, the impoverished go there, asking for help. Some are cured, some are helped enough to satisfy them. No one leaves without something. In this atmosphere man prays, says the Rosary, attends long arduous devotions. None leave without God’s Love, Our Lady’s Graces touching them; evidence then that no man goes forward to God, either direct or through The Queen of the Heavens, without God responding to his cry, to his plea, to his love.

The pilgrims return home, telling others of the trip. They can’t say enough of what they saw nor of what they felt, but soon the enthusiasm dwindles. They forget the Holy Mass is still available to them where they are. The Rosary can be their constant companion, their continued act of love to Her. Prayerful devotions, in many ways, can continue. Tell them this; and those who did not have the beautiful experience firsthand, can talk to their Father and The Blessed Mother. They will respond in the same way, in the same manner, as if the child were in the faraway place. The particular place in the world is not what made God respond. It was His child, his act of love, his prayers, the Rosaries, the devotion, the Act of Faith, the trust, that was pleasing to God, pleasing to Our Blessed Mother.

In the quiet of a cell, the quiet of a room, in the quiet of a Church, you are as close to God as you would be if you stood on the exact spot of the Vision. Treat each day as a pilgrimage. Receive The Holy Eucharist. Say the prayer and the Rosary. Offer acts of love to Him Who Is. Devotions can be between you and Him, pleasing to you, in a way that makes you feel close to Him. So simple, so rewarding, so important, so little time needed. Think of this often. Remember the Words, but most of all, remember to follow Them. So be it.”