Saint Not Named

Saint Not Named

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 25, 1970 at 2:40 pm


“Obedience, and now I say, ‘Eliminate this from the world,’ and now let Us describe the world. All men would be lost, first to themselves, then to each other, and finally in a chaotic circumstance of survival. No one could exist in this way. Man would soon find complete devastation.

At this moment it is happening. Man is eliminating obedience from his thinking. What is their salvation is there are still men who are keeping it a criteria for life, so God depends on these men to teach others that obedience must remain.

There has been example since time began. It is one of the main ingredients of life, and for it. I say to you, My children, this: ‘First, be example of obedience; second, teach others the value of obedience; and third, practice it in all things for, through developing obedience, you will learn the basis of the way to God, for it takes obedience to His Will to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.’ So be it.”