Our Lord

Our Lord

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 7, 1971 at 10:45 am


“Let Us take a walk, you and I, and talk. I will begin a subject with you. I want you to listen and then review the parts of What I talk about, regarding your Soul in you.

You are happy when you see the light of day. Man’s light, in the electric way, brings a brightness to show you the way, but My Light in My Words gives you more than just a visual light to carry you through each day. My Light is Love, My Words are Wisdom. Instead of being concerned over what others tend to believe, tend to say, tend to deliberate on, look to Me and find out how I want you and I to be One.

Oftentimes I stand waiting on the Altar. You do not arrive and I wonder what caused you to falter. As I speak to Our Lady, I check over the children who have honored Her with the Rosary. Are you among them? Have you taught others the same thing by your example? When you feel tired, upset, have you thought of praying to bring peace to your way?

Many men say, ‘I do not feel like prayer.’ So I say: ‘Praise The Father and you will feel no despair. Cling to The Holy Eucharist, cling to the Holy Rosary, cling to prayer. Have on the tip of your tongue The Divine Praises1 and say every one. As you walk, these can be done. You will grow strong as soon as you have begun.’

I bless you with My Love, and now I will stop speaking. Each time you read These Words, listen, and keep seeking My Love, My Way, My Will for you each day.”

1 The Divine Praises are a set of 14 acclamations to give glory to God. Written in 1797 by Father Luis Felici, they were originally intended as reparation for blasphemy and profane language against God.