Our Blessed Mother

Our Blessed Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 27, 1971 at 11:00 am


“I am your Beloved Mother. I stand in a Vision not seen by man, but truly in a specific spot in Heaven Where I am. I plead with children, day in and day out, to keep in mind the Beauty of God’s Plan. The Rosary in My Honor must be said. It is My Wish for all men. Through this prayer Souls gain Heaven and children gain strength. The power that it has is a great weapon against the evil one.

Children are walking the earth, delving into prehistoric times, and on the other hand, are trying desperately to communicate with The Divine, putting The Son, Who was Mine, on equal terms, taking Him out of The Divine. Your Blessed Trinity is All Divine, and man must just imitate The Son Who was Mine; imitate and follow what He gave one time.

Heaven has Many Saints Who are working diligently to help mankind. There is no secrecy Here, no sadness Here, except at the sin committed by mankind. Man says he is stubborn for rights. We say to him, ‘You are selfish and full of self-love, and you say they are rights.’ Not so.

My children, I beseech you on this day to spread love God’s Way, and to be ever mindful of the Blessing He sends you each day: The Holy Eucharist, given to you by God, has a Power and a Strength and a Love. It is Truth and every man must learn about It, know of It and be devoted to It.

Visits to The Blessed Sacrament are a must. To visit one’s father, to show love and trust, is recognized in the human way. Then I suggest that man treat The Heavenly Father the same way. It is loved by Him, encouraged by Him, and He gives Grace when a child turns to Him.

The Rosary must be said. Remember these things for all time. They have been given to you direct from The Divine.

As I bless you through this Vision of Mine, I bless you with Faith to carry on in truth, justness and love. So be it for now, My children, whom I dearly love.”