Saint Athanasius

c. 296 - 373

Saint Athanasius

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 6, 1972 at 4:35 pm


“My sons, My daughters, I am Saint Athanasius. I come in a very strict rule, a very strict way, a very firm stand. You see, the time in which you live, My little ones, is a time in which you must have great strength, great purpose, and you must begin to know that you stand on the threshold of Hell, for you see, satan is working hard to gain your Soul. And now, on this day, make a promise to yourselves, make a promise to God, that you will do all things in your way to serve Him, to do His Will, and to show your love for Him.

There are many, many things yet to be done for the good of mankind, and you are a part of a great army of people, of men, of truth, of service, of love. It is a privilege, My children, to be a part of this great army that follows Saint Michael to lead all men to the Feet of God.

As I stand Here in the Heavens, I lived in a time of great trouble, and I look back upon it and I see that you, too, live in a time similar to this. You must understand that to form an army for man, it is formed in a different way, but to form an army for God, it means you must pray. You must have confidence in Him, in His Way. You must obey the Ten Commandments and you must see truth. You must look for it and not follow all the things that other men say. Look to God above all things. Depend upon God before all things, and accept His Will, and do not allow yourselves to procrastinate in serving Him, for if you do, you could lose your Soul.

I bless you with God’s Love, but I bless you with a firm Truth: Follow God’s Way and you will be a Saint one day. So be it.”