Our Lord

Our Lord

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 22, 1972 at 8:06 pm


“Man weeps at sorrow, man reacts to joy, man loves progress and forgets pain. I stand Here in the Heavens, My little ones. I am The Son of The Father, and I speak to you on this night with a Power you cannot know, and in a manner you can understand. I come with deep concern over the lack of self-discipline, the lack of obedience that man has in all things. I speak through this child; I could not if she was not obedient to My Will. Man looks at the sorrow I suffered, looks at the pain I endured and looks at the Resurrection in a casual manner. It was not casual, My children, it was Important to man.

As I walked the path of suffering, some men stood by and shed tears. Others forgot very quickly the look on My Face, the agony I was enduring. The brutality of man was evident in every step; there seemed to be an anxiousness to do more to Me. Men shouted at Me, ‘If You are truly The King, show us.’ Man was designing the kingdom, the power, his own way; man was seeking sensationalism. The Father does not work that way.

As I walked, I beseeched The Father to have the road end, for on top of the suffering I could feel the pain of the horrible sins. This, I truly feel, was the greatest for Me. The Wound in My Shoulder cut so deep I felt like it was inside of Me.

It was not just tolerance that I showed, but I knew that in order to free men I had to be obedient to The Father I loved, for I knew that His Love for men was so Deep and so Great, and I could not say ‘No’ to Him. One time when I looked to the sky, the Blood in My Eyes dimmed My view. I saw the sky; I knew I would have to wait to see Him. The loneliness I felt at this moment was far greater than any man can know.

The Father has designed This Miracle of Hope, and here again He had to have a Victim Soul. The Beloved Saint Joseph must be seen, must be heard throughout the world. Men must get to know Him and to love Him. In the world right now, man’s weakness is as a stench. Man is catering to his weakness, for man has no self-control.

You truly live in a time worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, My children, and as you live in the midst of all this, you have been given the Truth, you have been given the way to escape the weakness of man: first, through prayer, through The Commandments God gave, through the truth you know, through obedience to Here, through the beloved Sacraments you must hold dear.

I was the First Priest, and I come on this night to say that those who follow in My Way must not diminish in any way. They must once again be put in a place of high esteem, of dignity, of great purpose, for they follow Me. I am ever ready to help each one of them if they will but ask Me.

The time is now for man to learn respect for the Purpose of life, for each life truly has a Purpose. The Father does not create without a purpose in mind for all things: some were created for balance; some were created for service; some were created for beauty; some were created to give man strength. No man can make a moon, no man can make a sun, no man can make an earth, no man can create a star, no man can create man, no man can create a Soul. Does this not make man a subject to God and subject to Him?

Man is walking around, determined to enjoy the senses. In reality, that is what they were given for, to enjoy, but also for a purpose. And satan is using the weakness man has allowed and satan is encouraging man to use the senses wrong.

I will not be crucified again for man; there is no reason for it. And I say to you on this night, ‘Remember the walk to Calvary, remember the Purpose of it, remember the Purpose God gave man, and remember the dignity of the Priesthood.’ And keep in mind, My children, the great place that God placed marriage in, for this place, too, is being diminished by man. What will man have left when he tears down all the Beauty that God gave, God encouraged? Satan is encouraging desecration.

My children, The Saints have spoken to you of hope, and as you leave this home on this night, ask yourselves one thing: Do you reject hope, or do you accept it? Do you embrace it when you see it, when you feel it, or do you feel too self-sufficient to have to depend upon it? I ask you on this night to think much on this.

As I hold this child with My Power, she is aware of each one of you, of your hearts and of your Soul, and I have told her that, for some of you, she must pray much — part of the burden untold.

Take the Wisdom you have learned, take the Truth you have been shown, take the Hope you have been given, take the Love that has been entrusted to you, and share It with others who depend upon you. Place the Faith where you will, and I will nourish them as I Will. You are present at a Miracle, you are present to My Words. You have been given Divine Love to help you grow in the Spiritual.

I bless you with the Wounds I suffered, I bless you with My Heart that gives you hope, and I bless you with the Ray of Light from My Heart, for you to follow. So be it.”