Our Lord

Our Lord

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 12, 1972


“My beloved child, I was happy, I was proud, and I stood close by you today during the time when someone could have said something to harm another child whom I love dearly. I am The Son of The Father. As you spoke out to others who love Me, you spoke with prudence and you spoke with firmness, and in this way, you gave them strength along with the guidance they needed to sustain them through the dark days.

My beloved children, you are encircled in My Arms, you are close to My Heart, and yes, you are in the midst of The Miracle that will save the world. As it was said by The Father today, you stand on the earth He created. He created this earth, special to Him. The sun is not as special to Him as the earth, the moon is not as special to Him as the earth, for you see, He placed man upon the earth, and man must live on for all time, and the Souls of man must live in Eternity with Us.

My children, as you are in the midst of This Miracle, It is All Truth given through this child, and there is All Love. The gentleness that man feels with her, there is a firmness in the gentleness, and through this, they receive great strength. As you are close to her, you will get closer to Us, for the strength you feel is love for Us.

We want all mankind to love Us as this child does. We want all mankind to come to This Miracle that is of such Great Beauty, for you see, what more could man ask than to have All of The Angels, All of The Saints, yes, and The Holy Trinity speak. The Heavenly Mother often says through this child, ‘Say My Rosary.’ What greater Gift could a child have than to have a Mother stand close by and give Direction firsthand?

I bless you with Our Love and I say, ‘Stay close to My Heart, for when you do, you are bound to come This Way.’ So be it.”