Saint John
the Baptist

c. 1 AD - 28-36 AD

Saint John The Baptist

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 10, 1972 at 1:38 pm


“My children, I am Saint John The Baptist. I come to you on this day to compare the way I walked in My day to the way you must walk in your day.

As I walked along the roadsides, I would talk to children and I would alert their thinking to The Creator of All Things. I would talk to them in a natural tone, and then, when I gathered more than a few, I would discuss with them God’s View.

I knew within me that there was a Direct Command from a Higher Place, and I also knew that the Words that were coming through me were not of my thinking, but I did not explain it to man in this way. I would teach and I would preach and I would discuss, and also, I would exclaim the Beauty of God’s Way so that men would listen and men would be alerted to the thought of Another Part of them, and also of the cleansing that I knew would have to be for each man.

As I spoke of a cleansing, the greatest thing I could use was water, and this, too, came from within me, for you see, I was constantly directed by The Father in all things; and as the cleansing would take place, I would feel the Power of His Grace, and I would say, ‘Dear God, Dear One in Heaven, let all who come to the waters here feel Your Love, Your Power within them.’

It is true, one day I looked into the Eyes of a Particular One, and I felt the Grace within Him, I felt a Power within Him, I felt a Strength come forth from Him that no other man did give, and I felt then that He was of The Father’s Place; and as the water was poured upon Him, I felt within me that my tasks had been from Another Realm, and I knew that from that time on, the cleansing would be an Important Thing for all men to come.

I stand Here in the Heavens and I say, ‘So few men are acknowledging the Baptism of the pouring way.’ And now I say, ‘Be sure the children you know are baptized, for it is important; It is God’s Will.’ This Miracle of Truth, This Miracle of a Beloved Son, Saint Joseph, is to teach all mankind the Importance of the Sacrament: the Sacrament of Purity, the Sacrament of Cleansing, the Sacrament of taking away the wrong and putting only Beauty in its place.

I bless you and I say, ‘As weakness was washed away, it is being washed away again in your day, through The Miracle Of The Beloved Saint Joseph.’