Saint John
of The Cross

1542 - 1591

Saint John of The Cross

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 19, 1972 at 2:11 pm


“I am a Saint that you children have not heard from often, but I am ever ready, Here, to give Teaching, Love, Direction, as God Wills it to be done. I am Saint John of The Cross.

Man does not understand the Beauty that Heaven is. Man does not fully understand the Purpose of the physical life. Man does not try to understand that he has a Soul to return to God. There is much to be learned by man and much to be taught through man. There is much direction, much example that must be given for Divine Plan to be uppermost in the mind of man.

Children speak My Name. They do not question My way, for now man has accepted all the things I did give and say; so now My Teaching must be accepted by you, for It is Worthwhile. It is God’s Will.

No man in the world can come close to analyzing This Great Miracle. The child is as an instant tool the moment a child is in view.

And now I say to you: ‘Do not compare My way with others, but follow it. It will be good for you. Love God above all things. Serve Him in His Way, for He is King; and when you pray, pray with love, pray as a child to Him Who is Above. Be sure that in your daily way you show humility, and if you have much pride, strip it from your way for it will only cause decay. It is not strength, it is weakness, and it has no place when you serve God in a total way.’

I bless you with God’s Love and I say, ‘Let all things you do be worthwhile, and the only way that they can be this is to follow the Truth that God gives to you.’ So be it.”