Our Lord

Our Lord

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 27, 1972 at 10:53 am



I will tell you what I see. It’s Our Lord and there must be — I thought it was five hundred; He said, “No, keep counting, child.” Oh my, there are thousands of people standing around Him. He is on the outside though; they’re standing there. Some of them appear to have been from different times. I can tell by the garments.

There are Three Men standing closer to Him than any Others. They are discussing with Him, an issue. They appear to be doctors. One has a document and He is talking to Our Lord about the document, and Our Lord is smiling. And suddenly the document disappears. And now, more are gathering closer to Our Lord. The document had a great meaning here. Our Lord dismissed it and He said, “There is no need for such a thing Here in the Heavens.” And that’s when it disappeared.

There are children of all ages, all colors. I see. The One Man standing with Our Lord is Peter. One is Saint Athanasius; and One is Saint Dominic — He appears as the gentler of the Two. The document was the Ten Commandments. The reason He dismissed it was, in Heaven there is no more need for it, but it’s only man’s way of life. But Saint Dominic is holding a Rosary and Our Lord is smiling at Him. Oh, this smile! He said, “You will have to ask The Heavenly Mother what She wants done with that.” Saint Dominic is smiling. Saint Peter is the only One I ever see with any age on Him. The Others All seem quite young, or close to it.

Our Lord is going to speak.


“My Heavenly Children, My Saints, I want Each of You to travel to the world and partake in The Miracle Of The Beloved Joseph. I want Each of You to participate in drawing Souls This Way. I want You to encourage children who are yet of the physical way, to follow The Commandments The Father gave. I want You to be alert to every Soul so They will come This Way.

I want You to help children learn how to pray. I want them to know the simple way. I want them to feel the Power that is Ours and not to feel that the Power of The Holy Trinity is in the words of their day. I want them to feel the need for prayer, the need to be childlike, for you see, in a childish manner they will lean totally on The Holy Trinity.

I want You to encourage joy when it is wholesome, when it is needed, and when it will help children through their daily way. I want You to teach them compassion for each other, and yet, not to show weakness in it so the other one will only draw weakness from it.

I want You to speak out in a direct manner, momentarily, so that children will hear firsthand, Our Love, Our Will, Our Way. I want You to teach children the need for purity. That is why Purgatory was so necessary, to purify before they enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Children, if they learn this in the physical way, will have little time to spend the Purgatory Way. Make them know this. Teach them the beauty of it and tell them to be example of it each day.

Teach children how deeply The Father loves them, for He gave them the physical road to take. How else could they become a Saint? Tell children the need they have for following through according to God’s Will. Tell children of all vocations of life that this way can lead them to Here if they do it right. Tell them to follow the Light of Truth and to not be indignant when It is shown to them, but for them to pray so they truly will follow through.

Tell them to not interpret, in their own way, God’s Will, but to succumb to It totally, and request that He hold their hand, treat them as a child, so they will understand the Beauty that He gives to them. Tell children of all ages it is never too late to obey The Father’s Will, to comply with It, to follow It, to desire It.

Tell children they are all Loved, but Loved in a Supernatural Way; a Divine Love, not a human love. Human love does not equal Divine Love, but human love is a small part of Divine Love.

Tell children not to lean solely on men’s words, but to lean totally on God’s Words. Tell children that the confusion in the world now must cease, for many are straying, and that cannot be.

Tell them, that now a Son has been sent to the earth in a manner different than I, but that This Son is to lead them Here to The Holy Trinity. Tell them that The Beloved Saint Joseph stands High in the Heavens, in All Power, All Love, doing totally the Will of The Divine; and He must stand upon this Hill made for Him, designed by The Father. Oh, My Saints, tell the children who are yet in the physical way What I desire them to know.


I have allowed you, My children in the physical way, to hear the Love We All have for your Souls. I beseech you, My little ones, to follow to the letter, The Father’s Rules laid down for everyone.

Be blessed by this time with this child. Be blessed by the moments you are here. And when you leave this mound of soil, you must return, for each time you come in Faith, in desire to love Us more, Grace is poured upon you like pure water from God’s store.

I bless you with The Father’s Love, I bless you with My Heart, I bless you with the Light of Heaven Where We Are. So be it.”