
c. 2000 BC


Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 22, 1972 at 8:12 pm


“My beloved children, you have heard My Name, you have listened to stories of My way, but few men have ever prayed to Me. I am Abraham. There are so many men eager to know God’s Truth, God’s Way, God’s Will. They want to jump in to be a part of it and to show that they, too, accept, acknowledge and walk this path. My children, to love God means sacrifice, means devotion, means obedience, means trust, means acceptance and relinquishment regarding the will. So many children speak of purity. They see it in an inefficient, insufficient way; never in its full value, God’s Way.

As you see, I hold the child tighter, tighter, closer and closer to Me. This Miracle is given to the world to save children of all ages, all colors, all creeds. As it was in My day, The Father has Great Love for His children, and sometimes He asks much, just to see how deeply a particular child loves The Holy Trinity. Once a child submits totally, it is test after test, hour after hour, submission after submission, all to help the child grow in purity.

You are familiar with certain stories told to show you the need for purity. I will mention a few, but I will not mention all the facets of these to you: Mary Magdalene; the story of Mary and Martha. You have heard ill will about the beloved Saint Augustine. You have heard of Me, you have heard of Adam and Eve.

Ask yourselves on this day: what could be written of each of thee? Would you want it in print? Would you want it told? Would you want to be judged by young and old? Would you desire to share with men of all kinds, your everyday affairs? Would you stand up to truth or would you deny what is said? Would you respond with love until you were dead? Would you recognize the Purpose of life, the need for sacrifice and the necessity of strife?

Oh, My children, I say to you now, ‘Relax the physical, control the mental and enjoy the Spiritual.’ Grow in purity of mind and body. Grow in love with God, Who is Almighty. Grow in charity, pray for Faith. Reach for love, requesting God to help you all the way.

I hold the child in dignity and I use God’s Will, God’s Power to speak to each of thee. I will release her just a small bit, for Someone Else will speak. Do not deny the Truth of this night, for if you do, you will reject God’s Love for you.”