Saint Peter

c. 1 AD - c. 64 AD

Saint Peter

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 15, 1973 at 7:15 pm


“My beloved sons, My beloved daughters, I am Saint Peter. I shout oftentimes through this child, and I say to you, ‘Another Commandment that God wants you to learn about today is: Remember, Keep Holy The Sabbath Day.

So many men are becoming immune to this particular Rule of God. ‘This Commandment,’ they say, ‘is no longer needed in this day.’ But I, Saint Peter say, ‘It is very important that you remember to honor Him, not only one day but several, for you see, to not honor The Father at least one time during a period of your week, you are losing strength in His Rules, His Way.’

I, the Rock of the Church, say to you on this day, ‘Remember, Keep Holy The Sabbath Day.’ So be it. In the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Amen.”