God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 15, 1982 at 8:57 pm


“Suddenly, I speak. Men say it cannot be. Suddenly I teach. Men say, ‘Is it really He?’ My question is this: Who would take the time to extend such Love of Ultimacy? Do not My Words ring with a Logic, Truth and Wisdom? Do not My Words say Direction, Love, Justice and Mercy? Do not My Words reflect the Reason for your life? Do not My Words speak of the Importance of your Soul being directed to My Light?

Ask yourself this: ‘Why was I born? What reason is there for me to be alive, speaking, thinking, acting and living, unless there is something more for my existence, for immortality? Why am I able to think of the need of success in ways I do not understand? What gives me the strength to forge ahead when obstacles seem endless in my daily life?’

My children, it is with purpose I come to you tonight, for as you are gathered in company of each other to discuss things of your way of life, remember this: I watch you constantly.

I have sent to the earth a Part of Me as I have done previously. This time differently; I have sent a Great Story. Some men find it unable to believe. Remember this: The last time I allowed This Portion of Me to walk the earth humanly, it was My Announcement to mankind of Christianity. This time, though it be differently than the last time, it is to re-establish the fundamental reasoning for Christianity.

Christianity has much meaning. It is based on the sound Rules for living. Some men say, ‘It is merely the do’s and don’ts.’ I say, ‘It is the Direction to purity that is developed by sound morality, directing men to immortality.’

Men would say, ‘Why would God speak in such undeserving circumstances, situations, places, and to such people, ordinary, common, average?’ I say, ‘I created you, and it is My Wish for you, it is My Will that you are what you are, as you are, in the place you are, for the reason you are; never forget this.’ Never struggle against My Will, for My Will knows best for you. Know this, that as I once again send to the world a Portion of Me, I send a task to be accomplished to help Me. This task is for you and many others to do, so that Souls will arrive Here with Me for All Eternity.

In the terrible times you live, it was necessary that My Presence be in your midst, for only My Presence can correct the tragedies that exist where you are, in your time, in your manner of living. Immorality is to such a degree, nothing you have upon the earth is strong enough to correct the wrong, the horror, the persecution of Christianity. Once again Christianity is at stake. Once again Christianity is ‘up for grabs’.

I will not allow what I have given to man to be destroyed in the manner at hand. The desecrations are abominable. I am insulted every moment of every day. Though things are in a state of total ugliness, I have hand-picked children I know will fight on the battlefield of humanity for the Beauty of Christianity to reign.

Be blessed as only I can bless you. Be assured as only I can assure you, that any action or effort that you do in My Name, you will be blessed abundantly for in My Time and My Way. So be it.”