Our Blessed Mother

Our Blessed Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 24, 1985


“Child, always remember to say to yourself: ‘Things aren’t so bad because I can talk to God. I don’t have to be rich nor do I have to be poor. I don’t have to be intelligent nor do I have to be considered a dummy. I don’t have to be wise nor do I have to say things the way others speak their minds. I can talk to God, just because I love Him and He belongs to me and I belong to Him, like all others.

‘I don’t have to be a professional person, I don’t have to be well-known. I don’t have to be with others, I can be all alone. I don’t have to imitate how others speak to Him, I don’t have to imitate their way. I can talk to God, I can talk to just Him.

‘He made me like I am. He gave me a will, He gave me my Faith, He gave me my own Soul, so I can communicate with Him alone. I must always remember that when I speak to Him I’m speaking for myself alone, so whatever I say, whatever I think, my Faith in Him tells me He will understand. I can say a simple prayer or I can just think His Way, and I know in my heart, in my Faith and my will, He hears clearly my thoughts and understands my little way.

‘I must always remember I have the privilege to communicate with God in so many ways, every moment of every day. Sometimes I say to myself, “The Mystery that surrounds Him has a Special Ingredient that can only be explained as Divine Love from a Heavenly Source, in a Grand Way, to something inside of me, and to all mankind, to have the Faith to believe that they are so little, and each one of us stands in a special little way. Human love is sometimes referred to as a bond between two or more people. Divine Love is a Binding Love that is Eternal, between God and all people.”

‘I must always remember I can talk to God any time of the day. What a comfort this is for me, to know I am never alone, for He gave me a Soul, and my Faith tells me that when I pray, in some way my Soul is probably the One that alerted me to say either a prayer in thanksgiving or a prayer in want or just a prayer to get attention, because even though I’m with people, I may feel lonesome a lot. Though my prayer may be small it gives me strength, for innately I know He heard what I had to say. I must always remember I can talk to God today.’