Our Heavenly Mother

Our Heavenly Mother

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 21, 1988 at 8:23 am


“My children, I speak instantly and consistently through this instrument who stands in the world as you: human form, intellect, will and Soul.

Everything that We have given to the world in thousands of years, in your time is being denied as what has been requested to be the format for human living: denial of good, denial that there is evil, denial of The Rules The Father Himself gave for mankind of all races, all colors, all creeds, to hold as the Guidelines for living the human life.

Men scoff at sound values, sound standards. Each decade of time gathers their own rules to live by, injects their own interpretations of what is morally sound.

Men refuse to see dignity in their values, in their standards with each other. Some men say: ‘Others expect me to accept what they feel, to respect what they feel, think and do. I feel an obligation to mankind to receive each person on their own standards.’

I, your Heavenly Mother say, ‘Should not the standards for living the human life be The Ones He set down, in Their fullness, not in Their conciseness They are being thought about, taught, partly followed, and practically ignored?’

The world has a tremendous evil force upon it. True, it has been like this before, but instead of moral progress men are allowing themselves to not just be degraded, but to become pawns of this evil force, governed by what is all wrong, all ugly, all against What The Father Is, and against what The Father created mankind for.

I want This Message of Mine revealed again and again. I speak openly upon the earth through this instrument and I speak in a manner of understanding so that there can be no confusion as to what I mean.

My Blessings constantly go throughout the world. My Divine Tears constantly pour forth through means mankind can understand, hoping that My Tears will cleanse the impurities that come about through the wills of mankind.

There is so much destruction to Souls, not just marring the Souls. We feel a sadness beyond human comprehension. We see a total devastation to man’s inner life, to man’s Salvation. So be it.”