God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 3, 1989 at 9:25 am


“Men, women and children look for and adhere to signals given for many reasons, in many ways, from everyone they meet, everyone they know, everyone they come in contact with.

There are many signals of response in the eyes of man, to the eyes of mankind, and in the spirit of the moment, the times, the circumstances, the relationship that is evident in some way at a given time.

Goodness, purity, honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, are signals for others to respond to in an honest manner of thinking and/or of action.

Immorality definitely has its signals. Morality definitely has its rules. Justification of illogical response to morality is accountable to God.

Men say, ‘I have a responsibility.’ Some take this responsibility to a point of dominance over other people’s wills. Responsibility has its place, its degree, its purpose, and the first step to responsibility is one’s own example. Self-righteousness, self-love can come under one category, egoism. This, in itself, can be dangerous to human life, to mental and Spiritual results, goals.

Men speak easily of ego. They brag about it, and with their ego they show little self-esteem because of what the ego transmits to other human beings; and in itself, ego is offensive. There is an ugliness in ego and vanity when it is misused. Ego radiates personal insecurity.

Men look at the law. They say they want justice. Why are My Laws, in some men’s thinking, Laws of the past, when all justice is based on My Laws?

As I created all things, I balanced all things, one with the other, one in favor of the other, one in most ways dependent upon the other.

My Laws, My Rules, My Commandments must be elaborated upon in Their fullest measure, so mankind will recognize My Signals, men will become acquainted with My Signals, and follow My Signals in the proper manner.

I want small children to be taught My Rules, My Commandments. I want small children to understand that without Me, they would not be.

I hold all things together. I do not hold man in the Palm of My Hand. I hold man with the Rays of My Heart, My Heart that shines through each man’s Soul.

I have given freedom of the will to understand Me, to recognize Me, and to see the Signal for the Goal of Life. I do not limit man’s way of serving Me when it is the way I have Decreed it to be, according to My Rules and My Commandments.

Men tell lies in My Name. Men falsify My Rules. They desecrate What I Am All About. This must cease immediately.

I use My Hand in Blessings. I use My Hand in Creativity. I use All I Am to hold in place all that I have created.

Man’s love for each other is the ultimate that man can be a part of, that man can extend, but My Love is a Pure and Perfect Love, a Love of Proportion no man can conceive, no man can relate to.

My Messages have been gentle, strong, and in many ways, concise, clearly given, and I want These Messages given to the world as soon as possible, humanly possible.

Men procrastinate where I am concerned. They use time against Me; their time. They forget the Signal I gave was important for Souls to return to Me. They think only of their human limitations, forgetting to ask My Help, forgetting that time is My Gift.

The Words I have given to alert mankind are of Great Importance to make mankind think and follow what is best for the Soul.

Men are aware of what is termed ‘The Holy Trinity’. They put their own definition on what The Holy Spirit means. Many put false ideas regarding The Holy Spirit because they make up their own thinking. They interpret My Wisdom, My Love wrongly.

This Message is Important. This Message is for mankind to better understand ‘My Signals have been repeated thousands and thousands of times’.

It would be unlikely for Me to say I am tired of repeating My Signals, but I must say this: There are many times in past History when mankind refused to accept My Words, My Signals, in the manner I chose to send Them, and I have had to take some wrathful steps.

Let My Words not flow through the air but be written so many can see Them, can read Them, can understand more about My Signals at This Time in the History of the world. So be it.”