“The 'Little Way' To Heaven Through Prayer”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 20, 1977


“Prayer is important because it is a constant communication with God for the benefit of our Soul. It is also a beautiful way of life, making everything we say, think and do, a purposeful event, creating a positive way to Sainthood.

How do you pray?

In what way do you pray?

Do you enjoy prayer?

What does prayer mean to you?

Why are you praying?

How can you pray?

A prayer can mean ‘Yes’ to another’s needs. A prayer can be fulfilling when an act is small, helping another man. A prayer can extend Christianity, through good example in Faith, Hope and Charity. A prayer is sometimes just a Little thing, or it can be a sacrifice not seen, but a sacrifice to accomplish a good thing.

A prayer of action has many degrees. It can be setting the table, caring for a child, working for monetary means or helping someone who is ill.

A prayer is time, in many ways. A prayer is thoughtfulness. A prayer is teaching someone else to look to better things. A prayer, in itself, can be defined as an extension of God’s Love for mankind, to make the world a better place to live in.

Prayer is unlimited. It says, ‘Please, Thank You, I hope so, I need, I will.’ Prayer says:

‘Help me, God, to be stronger than I am. Help me, God, to understand. Help me, God, to be a better man. Help me, God, to be good example. Help me, God, to attain what I need. Help me, God, in all my troubles. Help me, God, to correct all my errors. Help me, God, to face adversities. Help me, God, to seek Your Way, so I may one day understand what it meant to reach for purity.’

What is prayer? There is a purpose to prayer. Prayer is more than words whispered, thought or spoken. Prayer, in itself, is a reminder to us of our Littleness and our Faith. Prayer is our security. Prayer is strengthening. Prayer is hope. Prayer is love. Prayer is Faith. Prayer is humility.

Prayer should be so much a part of our life that it is a way of life. When we awaken in the morning, we should offer to God our every moment of life.”