“W H Y?”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 1, 1978


“Why are Roman Catholics allowing satan to attack Holy Mother Church?

Why are Roman Catholics sleeping?

Why are they walking in a daze?

What is causing this?

Is it a lack of knowledge?

Is it a lack of sensitivity to why each man was born?

Is it a lack of Faith?

What causes the indifference?

What causes and makes men accept less in moral values when they want the best in the monetary measures?

What is causing the lethargy regarding man’s Spiritual values?

Why have we allowed men to force emotionalism on us in our Spiritual devotions when logic tells us that emotionalism creates instability?

Why are we allowing men to emphasize obedience to what they are purporting to be correct, when we truly see it as wrong direction, impractical action, creating ‘a false obedience’?

What has caused men to lean upon men rather than to lean upon God?

Why have men become more atheistic in their thinking, communistic in their values and standards, paganistic in their rituals?

Throughout the world, evangelists, too numerous to mention, are all speaking of their feelings about God and how they feel everyone else should seek God.

Why do men shout ‘Christianity’ when they do not fully understand what Christianity truly is?”