Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 1, 1979


“Hell and damnation. There is a Hell and there is damnation. Wise men will try to avoid both.

Who makes your decisions: you, your imitation of others, or how you allow others to affect you, your actions, words and deeds?

Purity is available to every man born to the world. It is a result of the will’s decision.

Purity can become a habit in every thought, word, deed or action.

Purity was in God’s Reasoning when He gave us THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.”

“Weak excuses display insincerity and a lack of loyalty. Also, excuse is many times just that, an excuse, and bears no reason.

Remember, we each have our own will to make decisions with. If we commit our time or talents to a project, or just as a member of The Society Of Saint John Vianney, we have a responsibility to uphold the purpose of the Society and to be active in its purpose and goal.

So many times when people join together to accomplish a set goal, they allow others to interfere with their own commitment, forgetting that they have their own loyalty to the project to account to God for, and the full use of their own will to make decisions of honor and respect for the good of the goal.

Grudges destroy anyone or anything they touch. Grudges are triggered by a ‘self-destruct’ attitude and only display ill will, sullenness, anger, envy, pettiness, selfishness, jealousy and spite.

There are no pure thoughts, words or actions in grudges.”

“Many times compliments encourage ego, show shallowness in the lack of being able to participate on a one-to-one basis with other people. Immaturity thrives on compliments because it is like a crutch for the insecurity of individuals. Compliments often bait pride and make people look obnoxious and egotistical. Watch out if you depend upon compliments to bolster you. They could create a cushion of air that might explode and send you hurtling to reality. Respect a compliment and use it wisely. But remember, often it is the tool of the enemy of God.

Compliments are nice to give and mostly a pleasure to receive. All compliments are not sincere, nor are they good for us.

When there is a heavy burden of responsibility for the benefit of the Souls of people, compliments are oftentimes few and far between.

Compliments should only be for an exceptional display of charity or when an occasion or action displays special or excellent behavior, appearance, or involvement.

Real respect, sincere concern, hope for the development of purity in individuals, sound reasoning in words, plus logical direction, take much more energy, sincerity and work, usually never bear a compliment, only constructive thinking.”

“Crudeness is oftentimes the result of one’s own insecurity, fearing not being accepted by other people. This, in effect, is a great deterrent to purity.

A lack of charity makes any situation an aggravating, disappointing or disheartening experience or relationship.

When people let other people’s personalities govern their moods, actions or goals, it is ridiculous because each man’s will is his treasure chest of Faith, action, hope, commitment, dedication in vocation, social involvements, education, and daily way of life.

Don’t let another man’s attitude, criticism, lack of understanding, pettiness, indifference, stubbornness, lackadaisical actions, improper thinking, crudeness, inactivity, immaturity, laziness, insensitivity, detour you and make you so disgusted that you ignore your responsibility to see that you follow through. Remember, your loyalty is your own will’s decision.”