“What Were The Twelve Apostles Really Like?”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

December 15, 1979


“Each Apostle was different in nature, personality, drive, vocation. Each Apostle demonstrated, in daily living, their own concept of what they felt life was all about. Each man arrived at more understanding of what Our Lord was talking about at a different place, at a different time, in a different way than any of the other men. As they listened, they absorbed what He said to the degree of their Faith, their love, their interest, their desire to retain, the example they projected to others, and of course, their loyalty to Him.

The Apostles were not True Mystics; at least, in the beginning they were not. They were to become priests, to lay the foundation that was established and would be instituted for a very special vocation of life, teaching all mankind the Faith The Father wanted each man to learn, the Christian form of living.

The Apostles listened intently to the Wisdom that poured forth from this Man. They felt He had something they did not have. He was Special in what He taught. He was different in His so-called companionship with them. He had answers, He had direction, He had courage, He had strength, He had Goal above and beyond what any man walking the earth had. He was never without the Words to console, to comfort, to strengthen, to direct. He was never unjust, unfair, or indifferent. He radiated gentleness, firmness, kindness, deliberateness, sensitivity by strength in decision. He consoled, but He counseled. He was Humble, but His Humility was the Grace that radiated through His Whole Being in a special way, giving Hope. He competed with no man. He stated what must be, what would be, according to a Higher Plan. He spoke softly, He spoke firmly, and when the subject called for it, He spoke loudly. His whole counsel manifested Something Greater in His Revealings than any man could have the power to reveal.

The Apostles found themselves clinging to what He stood for, enthralled with what they heard Him say, benefiting from His Example, finding hope in what He revealed, seeing purpose in His Directions, and of course, each man wondered what part he played in this Role that was being slowly unfolded for the whole world.

The Apostles were men, but the remaining twelve could be referred to as wise men, for as they resisted the temptations of the world, they found, in being with Him, a Greater Purpose for their Souls. They found that the Food He gave them was Food beyond what any other man could grow. They found that the Light that shone through Him, in the Words that came forth from Him, gave the Directions to them that they instinctively knew were for the whole world.

If the Apostles had seen Him in the Magnitude He truly stood, they would have stood in such awe they never could have absorbed what He said, followed what He directed, and passed on to the whole world the Lessons He wanted men to receive, longer than two thousand years in the world.

As the Lessons were taught, He walked, He sat, He discussed, He listened, He corrected, He injected into each man the formula, the format, the structure that Faith was to have, Christianity to extend, for the good of each man’s Soul.

They ate with Him. They attended social gatherings with Him. He talked as they walked with Him. They talked to Him. He was Example to them for every facet of life, every place they went, always reminding each Apostle of a pure role.

He talked of Moses. He discussed The Commandments. There was much accentuation on charity among men, the importance of charity, the dignity of charity, the need for charity. Charity to man was giving, serving, doing, sharing. Charity, in itself, was always remembering that The Creator of mankind was the First One to give charity. He was the Ultimate Example for charity, for it was His Charitable Act that created man. Everything He said had logic. Everything He said was simple, yet profound. The Apostles always gathered round, finding themselves hungry for His Words, impatient for Them, and deliberate in their actions to hear Them.

It was this Faith that encouraged each Apostle to go forth into the world and hand to other men what He had said He wanted them to have.”