“Facts To Know”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 25, 1980


“A True Mystic’s role in the midst of chaos in the world has many purposes to it.

First, to strengthen the truly faithful in their love for God.

Second, to transmit to all people the Will of The Father, for the sake of Souls, through complete obedience to Him.

Third, to reveal what God deems important and necessary at a given time for the good of man.

Fourth, the True Mystic is never concerned for people’s understanding of the True Mystic, or their friendship as such, but the True Mystic must always be available to God, to accomplish the tasks He desires for others to grow in Grace, always affording the will of the individual the freedom to decide to take All that is given, or cast It aside.

Fifth, the presence of a True Mystic is also a test to mankind, because it shows just how much pure Faith each individual has, because the presence of a True Mystic brings out in all who come in contact with the True Mystic, the individual’s depth of Faith in how God would work, and also their desire to grow in purity.

Sixth, through a True Mystic there is always evidence of God’s Intervention, in a pattern of content, goals, reasons, and purpose.

Also, in the content, there is a consistency and a constancy of Direction through the True Mystic, and there is a repetitiveness in a multitude of ways of Direction to the faithful, showing God’s Will and Hand in this Phenomenon.

Seventh, plus, there are many other obvious Signs of Truth in the instrument’s speech and appearance, due to obvious ecstasies, along with times of Phenomena surrounding the True Mystic.”