“Why Not A Daily Divine Office?”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 8, 1981


“There are many reasons for a Daily Divine Office. It forces us to spend some time with God in an organized form of prayer.

Our daily prayers of actions, thoughts, deeds and intentions, are loved by God and are most certainly worthwhile and benefit our Soul tremendously.

Formal prayer gives us the chance to say things we might overlook in our daily intimate prayers. Formal prayers are reminders of subjects, things, and ways, that might slip our mind because we will be preoccupied and fall into a ‘shortcut’ manner and way of talking to God.

Formal prayers help us in so many ways to cover areas we are unfamiliar with, and they alert us to Grace-giving thoughts, ideas, actions and reminders to broaden our Acts of Faith and service to God that give a broader scope to our thoughts about God and what He wants from us. Never omit a formal way of prayer from your daily prayers.


Daily Mass1

Daily Holy Rosary

Daily Act of Contrition

Daily Thanksgiving plus other prayers of direction, intention, and benefit to our Soul.

A Daily Divine Office is more interesting and easier to do if it forces us to follow a different order of prayer each day of the week, each day giving us a subject to think about that is more beneficial to our concentrating on correcting our faults and working to become a Saint.

A Daily Divine Office gives our Spiritual life more stability and more progress in desiring to please God, serve God, and return our Soul to Him.

Begin your Daily Divine Office today. You owe God and your Soul this time to improve your Spiritual aims and goals.

Once you feel the benefits of a Daily Divine Office, and you miss a day saying it, you will feel you missed doing something that was very important. A Daily Divine Office is a habit more worthwhile than words can say.

As you say these prayers, kneel, walk, or sit, but keep in mind that you are talking to God, Our Blessed Mother, and His Saints. Respect, piety and dignity are necessary. Never approach prayer with indifference or a lackadaisical attitude. Remember, you are talking to God.

Make your Daily Divine Office a part of your life, and always remember, it could be the Act of Love for God that will lead you to Sainthood.”

1 If it is impossible to attend daily Mass and Holy Communion, then make a Spiritual Communion.