“Catechism Or Catastrophe”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 4, 1981


“To answer questions regarding Faith and morals, one must have the basic knowledge and the ability to explain in a knowledgeable way the doctrine and the dogma from which and in which these questions apply.

When someone says to you, ‘You can teach religion, you can teach catechism; you don’t have to be learned in the subject,’ question this person immediately, and then be sure you know what they want you to teach, and be sure you have a sound background in the subject.

One of the important areas of Roman Catholicism is the basic catechism that should be learned from someone who does not treat this catechism as merely a question and answer book, but who has the ability to guide the Faith of a child or adult along with the information that the questions and answers imply, refer to, or express in fact.

In the last several years, the important task of teaching catechism has been handed to those who would do it, not always to those who were capable of doing it. Much of this lack in understanding the catechism, put the emphasis on sensitivity avenues, replacing sound knowledge of the subject with uneducated examples, trying to point out what was meant and how it affects them in their life. This resulted in a dangerous situation. By danger, it is meant it emphasized a sensitivity rather than the strength in the sound doctrine that should have been explained properly.

Let’s do more about educating the educators. Let’s stop accepting substitutes and demand qualified people as instructors of Roman Catholicism.”