“Something To Think About”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 24, 1981




“Of course there are answers to these questions, and answers that dignify the beauty of a religious vocation.


Such devoted leadership and authority is not evident in these times, but we must begin to ask God to allow this to happen because of its magnificent purpose and the beauty of its soundness in serving Him in the physical life.

Example of happiness in serving God is one of the greatest encouragements to others to want to follow in this path of life.

Happiness in a religious vocation shouts stability, honor, dignity, and a love for The Divine that rings with a purity of mind, body and Soul. Happiness that radiates from one who serves in a religious vocation humbly, and yet revealing a tremendous strength that recognizes the privilege of such a life, should show to everyone that as God put His Blessing upon the married state with the privilege of procreation, companionship, and service in many areas of life, that The Son also showed the beauty of the single life in service to The Father. He also showed in this manner of life the beauty of sacrifice, the purpose for example, and the greatness in selflessness and in a lack of selfishness that could give example to man beyond what anything else could.

Sometimes it is important for particular individuals to bind themselves to a religious vocation because it is the soundest way for them to reach Sainthood. In many of these cases, to accept another way of life, though they would live it with the necessary sharing and acceptance of the responsibilities attached to it, they would also be more likely to find temptation more readily and perhaps even be more vulnerable to impure actions.

It is difficult to tell someone which vocation they should follow, for the will of each individual, the nature, the personality, the desires, the dreams, the hopes, the aspirations, the ambitions, are individual to each person, and a lifelong vocation must be arrived at through the individual’s own will and own strength of commitment.

Religious vocations are not absolute promises to Sainthood, but it is a beautiful vocation of life that God has shown Great Love for, and Great Direction to, giving man a choice to serve Him in a particular way to arrive at Sainthood.

If man would only look logically, seriously, openly, at all the paths God has given to man, man would never have an excuse to not serve God and to not become a Saint.”