“Don't Be Led, Learn To Lead, God's Way”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 1, 1981


“The evangelists are not spreading sound hope, but false doctrine. The urge for so many to want to expound to others on how to save one’s self, in many ways is a parallel to so many times in History when men and women were honoring false gods, acting in idolatry to something they could touch, something they could visibly see, something they could respond to.

When men hold hands in prayer to God, it is an emotional experience, and encourages sensitivity to human relationship; plus, it produces a dependence upon other men, rather than strengthening the stability of standing on one’s own merits, own strengths, on one’s own Faith to grow spiritually and serve God with one’s own free will.

In holding hands in prayer, men can only be as strong as the chain of touch allows. What happens when there is a break in the chain, or a link is gone?”