“Don't Become A Part Of The Schism”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 2, 1981


“Don’t fall into the trap of the schism that the American Catholic Church is introducing, practicing, engineering, supporting, and promoting against the Roman Catholic Church, from both outside and inside sources.

This schism is dominated by men who are extremely liberalistic in their humanistic values, evaluations, contrivances, determinations, methods, theories and opinions, in their adoption of so-called updating their beliefs and practices in a zealous endeavor to have a common relationship and understanding with all men. Many times such zeal can sound or appear to be correct, especially when it satisfies a person’s questions, confusion, or problems.

Such a schism is being headed by the so-called intellectual theologians who feel a personal disagreement of conduct in many areas of Holy Mother Church, or because of their aggravation due to personal disputes antagonized by the upper echelon authority.

A schism is not the answer to correcting any errors, wrongs, or disputes in Holy Mother Church, whether they be due to obedience regulations, methods of administration, or clerical religious differences. Sound thinking from dedicated religious men says to approach the situations in an orderly manner and use all the proper means to clarify, classify, communicate and reach final determinations that Christ would endorse as His Way of accomplishing things.

Ego is the basis for most of the abusive mudslinging, characterized through slander, gossip and emotional insensitivity, debasing the real meaning of being a Christian as God intended it to be.

It is especially the bad example of so many priests or ex-priests showing poor taste in their petty innuendos, plus their deliberate lack of sincere humility, piety and dignity that is expected because of each man’s commitment to God for the Souls of men.

It is time for men to stop talking about Christianity or being a Christian and act like one.

Schisms don’t support Christianity. They divide it into a form or practice that allows them more immoral freedoms and diminishes the structure of what God gave the Ten Commandments for, and why He established and instituted the One True Church.

Remember to emphasize that you are a Roman Catholic, don’t just say you are Catholic.

Stop the schism through more prayer and concentration on what it really means to be a Christian in Holy Mother Church.

Don’t become a part of the schism.”