“What Is A Religion? What Is A Church?”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug



“Fourteen and one-half years ago, Heaven revealed the sad state of condition that Holy Mother Church was in. The Roman Catholics refused to accept it, let alone to see it.

Today Holy Mother Church is in a state of Spiritual lethargy and is governed by men who, for the most part, do not really know spirituality in its true essence. The Hierarchy is so busy controlling the world they feel is theirs, that they are satisfied to let the vile conditions exist because they do not want to have to change their mode of thinking or of living.

When are Roman Catholics going to wake up, rebel, and force God back into the Spiritual benefits of Holy Mother Church?

Too much local power has been given to local Church authorities who did not and do not have Spiritual leadership qualities as qualifications.

God, please help Holy Mother Church. It has lost face in the world because of man.”