“Solution - Someone To Blame? No - Something To Be Done”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 2, 1982


“In this time of Crises in Holy Mother Church, who should be to blame for it, the priests or the laity?

What can turn these Crises into a Re-establishment of Soundness?

First, for all priests to take a good long look at their vocation and understand just what it means to them; also, where it fits in with God’s Plan for the good of mankind physically and spiritually.

Also, for members of Holy Mother Church to take a good long look at how they practice their Faith and to what degree, and do they take advantage of all that is available to them, or are they indifferent, lax or bored? If so, why?

Did these Crises begin because of a lack of Christian charity amongst the clergy? This is partially to blame. Also, did unjust dominance, favoritism, or selfishness amongst the clergy eat at their self-respect, causing an unrest, destroying the true spirituality of their vocation, almost forcing a so-called ‘updating’ trend to abolish what was distasteful to so many?

Did not the momentum of change created by the ‘update regime’ in the Church, throw the laity into a turmoil of concern, and even worse than this, was it not also the dictatorship of the clergy to the laity, using bully tactics at any question by the laity, nicely presented or not, on why or what determined the changes? The laity, in shock, were slow to condemn the updating and this allowed these Crises.

What is at the bottom of these Crises?

The power play of Church authority and/or Communistic ideology infiltrating God’s Church with its subversiveness and sneaky control tactics.

ROMAN CATHOLICS, Clergy and Laity: It’s not too late to re-establish what we all know is God’s Will for mankind, and God’s Will for The One True Church established and instituted by Him. Holy Mother Church, like God’s Ten Commandments, can never be destroyed, just damaged in parts. Holy Mother Church is the Foundation of Christian religions and it must once again re-establish Its Foundation for the sake of all men’s Souls.

Unity in a true Christian way is the first step to arming the army for the battle of good against evil. This battlefield of sound Christian beliefs must be cleared of all unkindnesses, injustices and immoralities, to forge on ahead with the strength of God’s Ten Commandments in every warrior’s heart and on their lips.

No song better describes a Christian warrior’s feelings or goals than the beautiful song of Father Lord’s, FOR CHRIST THE KING.”