“True Charity Has No Strings”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 30, 1982


“The act of charity is many times limited because men feel that charity is giving in ways they cannot give or in strictly a manner of monetary measure.

Developing a true and sound virtue of charity can become a way of life. A kind word, a tactful word, a smile, a mere ‘Thank you,’ or sometimes just ignoring an unkind gesture or statement can definitely be a great act of charity.

Charity in its full expression of action is unlimited in its ways to be expressed by every human being. There is no excuse for a man to live his life without performing countless acts of charity every day of his life. Charity has a way of setting a mood that can give strength and hope.

In the reality of understanding how easy it is for each of us to reach Sainthood, we can look at charity as being an easy way of life, an easy way to live the physical life, and a happier daily routine for ourselves and for all people associated with us. Charity has no price tag on it; it is free for every man to use to the limit of his own desire daily.

Don’t concentrate on what you think were great acts of charity performed by you, because you might be judging your charity on what gave you pleasure rather than what really helped someone else. Be very cautious of the sin of self-love, and be sure that you see charity in a form, in a manner, and in a way that is selfless in every way.”