“Promises, Promises, Promises”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 7, 1983


“An act that binds the spoken or written word to a commitment to do or not do something.

How many times have you honored promises you have made to God?

How many times have you kept or have forgotten to keep promises to others?

In a promise there is more at stake than shows: honor, decency, respect, personal pride, personal integrity, dignity, and definitely how ethical a person truly is. All that for just a promise? YES. WHY NOT?

If a promise is not a binding commitment, then why even bother making it?

Consequences of a promise not kept are not always seen nor carried out, but when two or more intelligent people are bound in the contract of a promise, it must in some way reveal itself, even when it is with God, Who no one sees.

Our lack of ethical behavior reveals itself in our dealings with other people and how we behave in circumstances that reflect our true colors.

Maybe our breaking a promise will not be identified to a particular instance or person, but in showing our true colors, instinctively people will form opinions about us.”