Saint Jerome

347 - 420

Saint Jerome

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 14, 1992 at 1:25 pm


“I am Saint Jerome. I have spoken many, many times but have not announced Myself openly more than a few times.

There are millions of people who crave more understanding of what life is all about, what God is all about. They want information to help them better understand and give them strength, to be more mentally alert to what is expected of them.

Morality is a big issue, always has been. Mankind puts it in a category, mostly where physical areas are concerned. Morality, in dealing with other men in a full understanding of what morality is, is based on God’s Commandments.

When children learn the briefness of These Commandments, they are not always taught the full meaning that each one contains. That is why there is such a lack of understanding regarding the Importance of These Rules that, as you were told, were given to mankind to be the Constitution for mankind’s sound moral values and sound moral standards.

You must not be overly concerned about any disagreement from those who do not understand the Greatness of this Gift that was given by God to man. Your example, your manner of living, how you say things, your degree of self-control, will not just represent but draw a full picture of how you believe, the strength you have in your beliefs regarding moral values, moral standards.

As I speak, it would be difficult for many to fully understand the Magnitude of This Great Miracle, but the important thing is: through reading the Words, the Directions, strength will come, understanding will come, and the value of these things will give hope in many areas, and many times wiping out despair.

As I speak to you, Our Heavenly Mother smiles. She sends Her Blessing and says, ‘Faith is a beautiful Gift of Love; it becomes greater when you practice it.’ So be it.”