Saint Thomas More

1478 - 1535

Saint Thomas More

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 4, 1994 at 2:12 pm


“I am Saint Thomas More. I rarely announce My Name but I speak often through what is called ‘Teachings’.

This time in which you live is special, in that This Beautiful Miracle of Direct Teachings and Formal Revelations are giving to mankind Direction that has never been so complete in Manner, and Direction through Words so understandable to follow.

We see thousands of people, all ages, living each day, only allowing the immediate things to draw their attention and goals.

We do not expect all of mankind to turn into fanatics because of This Gift of Divine Love, but We want mankind to see the necessity for an army of truth, logic, respect and moral values to be the guidelines for all walks of life, because of the Reason for which mankind was created.

Time is important to man and it should be dealt with in a sound, reasonable manner, never ignoring the possession of such a Divine Gift, the Soul. So be it.”