Saint John
of The Cross

1542 - 1591

Saint John of The Cross

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 11, 1995 at 2:44 pm


“There is so much mental anguish in all races of mankind. Much of this is due to the immorality that is practiced in every age.

It is a sadness to Us Here in the Heavens to see so much acceptance and indulgence in all things that are immoral, rejecting all that is moral.

The little ones are being victimized by the onslaught of the immorality they are subjected to by those they depend upon, and those they associate as their parents, relatives and friends of the family.

There is so much being deliberately ignored because of not wanting to cause upset, but there is little caution being practiced to protect the innocent.

Volumes of instructions could be written on the importance of the need for change, because of the Souls of so many that are being victimized by the demonic practices and offensive actions.”