Saint John
the Baptist

c. 1 AD - 28-36 AD

Saint John The Baptist

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 30, 1995 at 2:47 pm


“I am Saint John The Baptist. My work when I was upon the earth had a Great Purpose to it. It was the introduction to mankind of the Importance of an open Act of Love to the Soul of man.

Baptism has a cleansing, but it also in its very act, expresses a need and a desire for purity of one’s Spirit that is Part of The Father’s. Needless to say, the story that man is born of original sin casts a mark on the Soul of the unborn, but in reality, it relates to the heritage of all living human beings, because the relationship between men and women is not always pure in its act.

Baptism has an important Act of Faith within it, and it is beneficial to the Soul of the individual, because it strengthens the human mind and body to reject sin that is devastating to the Soul. There are definite instructions on this Blessing and they should not be ignored, but mankind must understand that all Sacraments have reason and strength to the moral, physical, mental, and Spiritual action of all mankind.”