Saint Bartholomew

1st century AD

Saint Bartholomew

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 29, 1995 at 11:08 am


“It is very important for mankind, no matter what religion he or she follows, has claim to, it is important that all of mankind read All that has been delivered through This Miracle Of The Beloved Saint Joseph. It has been designed to instruct all of mankind on the Importance of human life, the Purpose for it, and What life fully contains, besides the human aspects that mankind is used to recognizing as necessary, because of the design of mankind.

There is One Very Important Ingredient, a Portion of human life that is rarely spoken about. It is made reference to, but not to Its fullest measure, and that is the Soul. Mankind has been taught to a degree, of what Part the Soul plays in human life, but only through This Miracle has it been so clearly instructed regarding the Importance of the Soul as being a Portion of The Father, thus giving mankind a Special Means in human life that nothing else has been given.

Mankind refers to human life as being united with others in a family, specifying heritage, hereditary factors that are recognizable, sometimes due to parts of the world that some families come from. There’s a unity of understanding in heritage. Sometimes it has great significance, other times no significance, but one thing all of mankind has in common, and that is that at the moment of conception, a Portion of The Father is instilled, giving mankind a Union with The Creator of All Things, The Designer of All Things. This is a Blessing beyond what any human mind can fully conceive.

The world of mankind has always had disagreements, disappointments, also changes in many areas of how man lives, how man thinks. Mankind is now in a positive state of learning many things beyond what any other age had the opportunity to do, but in some ways mankind is abusing this privilege. And then there are areas wherein availability to higher learning is becoming less and less valuable, because of mankind’s immoralities.

There is much abuse morally, physically and mentally. Even though mankind has become more educated, he has also become more vulnerable. This Gift of The Father’s was given the Name, ‘The Miracle Of Saint Joseph’ for Special Reasons, because if It was not so Designated, It would have been cast aside, putting It into the same category as all other instructive, constructive means of education. The Miracle Of Saint Joseph is more than education. It is a Gift of Divine Love, delivering to mankind what a privilege human life is, and that all of mankind has the same opportunity through sound moral values, sound moral standards, to become ‘Great Saints’.

In the educational fields, academically speaking, men, women and children work for what is called ‘a degree’, or ‘a diploma’, or some formal sign of accomplishment. This Miracle has instructed mankind that the Greatest Accomplishment man can reach for is to return the Soul to God, a Saint.

What I have spoken today must be handed out throughout the world, as well as All the other Things that have been spoken through This Gift of The Father’s, because mankind must remember that human life is different than all other things. It is exceptional in its very birth, because within each human life there is a Portion of The Father. This Statement, this Fact, this Knowledge, must be delivered to all of mankind. So be it.”