Saint Robert Bellarmine

1542 - 1621

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 14, 1996 at 12:27 pm


“I am Saint Robert Bellarmine.

So much has been delivered through This Gift of The Father’s Love, and there is yet so much more He Wills for mankind to hear, to read, and to understand the Importance of human life, the Dignity of human life, and that in human life He placed a Portion of Himself, the two assets in human life that give it and put it in a different category of existence than any other living thing.

We hear many speak now about what is titled ‘religion’, and We see through so many, ideas, ideals, interpretations, definitions, and various degrees of full understanding of the importance of what Faith in God is to every living human being.

Mankind in many ways likes to make changes, update, and loses sight in these things many times, of the importance of what they are casting aside, eliminating, elevating man’s mind, imagination, curiosity, to a higher level of existence than what Sound Christianity is based on.

Morality has a special place for human life to see dignity, purpose, goal, practicality, reasonability in moral actions, views, participations, because morality is based on God’s Commandments. It is a sadness to All of Us, because God’s Commandments have been put in such a concise manner, causing obedience to These Commandments to diminish to the point where They mean so little, and there is so little for mankind to understand that he or she is disobedient to a Commandment that in its full essence, full delivery, meaning, had much more definition, and a greater degree of a need to follow, due to all the things that one Commandment covered for the safety, the protection for the Soul of every living human being.

This Miracle of The Father’s Love was designed by Him, and so Many of Us have been given the Privilege, the Honor, to deliver Instruction, Direction, Hope, Understanding, through one voice that bears the Responsibility of the act of obedience, but mankind must understand that a chosen number were picked to write what was important for mankind to learn about, to practice, to follow, to understand, no matter what language they spoke. The written Word must pass throughout the world. This task is important. How else could one voice gather the attention worldwide without the written Word?

The Father has Blessed ‘this time’ through This Gift of His, by All the Instruction that He has directed to be delivered, because without It, mankind was walking in a darkness, accepting in every way ‘the conciseness’ in All Direction, Soundness, in description of The Father’s Commandments, and this was turning into an abomination of facts, of truths.

It is important that the Words reach all areas of the world, and no obstacles should not be conquered because, remember, the obstacles are merely man-made and they can be conquered by Faith in what one is a part of, love for God, because of the Soul that you are the custodian of. So be it.”