Saint Catherine Laboure

1806 - 1876

Saint Catherine Laboure

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 19, 1996 at 10:50 am


“I am Saint Catherine Laboure.

Children throughout the world will benefit by What you write today, the Revealing that mankind has received in such a personal, loving way, that The Beloved Saint Joseph is truly More than a Saint. He is The Holy Spirit of The Father. This should never be denied, because the logic in It is obvious, for so many reasons, in so many ways.

The Fact of His being The Holy Spirit of The Father, gives soundness to the Birth of The Son of God through a small Girl, young in age, Pure in every way. The Unity of The Three is obviously of Divine Way, Divine Will, Divine Direction, Divine Intercession, and needless to say, totally Divine in Its Full Existence.

The Father has given to the world a Valuable Gift of Divine Love, called ‘The Miracle Of Saint Joseph’. So much has been revealed regarding the true meaning of not just What He stands for, but Who He really is, as The Holy Spirit of God Himself.

We hear some who hear This or read It, automatically refuse to accept This Statement of Fact, but it is man’s inability to see, feel, or comprehend the Full Magnitude of how God works. Everything He creates or created has a reason in it, for it, and He has always put everything into a concept of human understanding so that mankind can accept it in the human mind, and not imagine many things that would cause the reality of what and how The Father’s Love automatically uses what mankind can, in conscience, in understanding, see what is logical in definition, in purpose.

The Magnitude of God and All that He has given to mankind, has an inability for mankind to fully understand because of mankind’s limited understanding of The Divine, as This Gift of The Beloved Saint Joseph has instructed in so many ways, so many things, enlightening mankind to see more value to what man is all about, and the Goal for which mankind was created.

There have been many writings in the past, written by many who deeply felt there was more to the Creation of man than was ever revealed, and also that it was impossible for mankind to fully understand the Magnitude of God, and the Greatness in The Holy Family, because all that was obviously written had loopholes of many areas in the description of things. The excuse for these things was because everything was not written at that particular time, so in theory, in imagination and in human capabilities, much was written to tie things together to make things logical, more obvious to understand.

This Miracle that I speak through today has deliberately given to the world much Information, to give mankind more understanding, more Spiritual strength, and more knowledge of why God’s Commandments must be obeyed, and must be seen for the Magnitude in which They were delivered, not the conciseness that mankind has made Them out to be for so long, diminishing the fullness of Their meaning.

Today, throughout the world there are different degrees of recognition of The Beloved Saint Joseph, but there is no place other than ‘this one’, that so much has been given regarding the reality of His Existence being More than human. It is important that those who have accepted the tasks of being close to This Miracle, see that the whole world be enlightened with All that has been taught, instructed, regarding the Magnitude of What Saint Joseph truly stands for, besides the Title as a Saint in Heaven, as The Foster Father of The Son of God. This last Statement alone should make Who He really is more reasonable, because who would be more suited to be The Foster Father of The Son of God? Logic says only The Holy Spirit of God would be able to cope with the Responsibility of such a Purpose in the world of mankind.

Through a small voice, The Father has delivered so much Information to help mankind better understand, that the time now is likened to the time when The Son of God walked the earth. Millions did not believe Who He Was, and yet instinctively they felt He was More than an ordinary man. You are privileged at this time to hear firsthand that The Beloved Saint Joseph is truly The Holy Spirit of God.”