Saint Peter Canisius

1521 - 1597

Saint Peter Canisius

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 3, 1996 at 1:03 pm


“I am Saint Peter Canisius.

It is important that the news of This Miracle reach every area possible throughout the world. The Spiritual, moral devastation taking place is an abomination beyond what mankind understands this word to mean.

Souls are being devastated by so much leniency in moral values, moral standards. This, of course, pleases the enemy of God and man, because all things that are based on ignoring The Father’s Commandments in the slightest degree, pleases satan and all those who have been condemned to Hell under the supervision of this vile enemy.

Today in the world it is difficult for some men, women and children to fully understand the importance of morals, because they have so many justifications to practice immorality, due to their financial status, how they were raised as children, plus all that is occurring that is available for them to see, to be a part of. Violence is prevalent throughout the world, physical, mental, moral, social. Each day men, women and children throughout the world, according to the time zone they live in, are faced with moral decisions, practices, intentions, goals.

If you were to speak to a stranger where you are, and approach this stranger with a question, ‘In what degree would you consider your morals to be?’ there is more than one thing that could happen here. Either it would cause an argument or immediate rejection of your presence, or several other noncommittal actions. Now walk up to someone you know, someone with whom you have perhaps gone to school with, open the subject of Spiritual practices. You might be amazed at the cold reception you would receive, because at this time in the world there is so much radical confusion on what is moral, what is immoral, what is Spiritual, what is satanic.

Though what I have just spoken is something for many, many people to think about, I doubt that much conversation will bring people together in what We would say ‘a friendly manner’. The world is saturated with so much diabolical intercession, that We see many who believed in the same Spiritual concepts, attitudes, practices, strangely separated where their thinking is practiced in their daily lives.

What I have just spoken was in some ways a difficult subject to approach, because through This Miracle of The Father’s Love, the Foundation of This Miracle, the Reason for It, has given to the world so much to think about, so much Information to digest and reevaluate what a Great Purpose human life has, in spite of all the demonic pressures that are so evident, prevalent, destroying morals, values, standards, even destroying family life in many ways, demeaning to the practices of individuals who, at one time, would never have accepted so much immorality as a daily way of living.

Sometimes it is easy for man to justify impurities, that in many ways casts out all that is good. The Purpose for This Miracle is to make mankind think, to understand, that to violate the purity of one’s Soul pleases only the enemy of God, because logic says the individual or individuals cannot be happy human beings when they practice such vile actions, motives, intentions, against all that is pure. So be it.”