God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 10, 1997 at 8:45 am


“Man offers no sound reasoning for his dismissal of This Miracle of My Divine Love. Why? Because it sounds too simple, too much like a human being would think and/or instruct others.

Why would I speak in a demeanor or words that would not be understandable to all of mankind? It would not be realistic to speak in terms that only The Saints would understand or be able to cope with.

This Miracle of My Divine Love must be scattered throughout the world, not just sent to individuals who feel they have the insight, intellect and/or Spiritual knowledge to discern All I Am, All I Am About, and How I Would Speak to mankind through a small voice, but an obedient human voice.

All this negativism regarding This Gift of My Divine Love must cease, and mankind must stop allowing the humanism so acceptable by My enemy and man’s enemy, to interfere with My Love for My Souls. They are My Souls because They are a Part, a Portion of What I Am, Who I Am.

Let This Lesson Go

Throughout The World.”