Saint Peter Canisius

1521 - 1597

Saint Peter Canisius

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 19, 1998 at 12:49 pm


“I am Saint Peter Canisius.

The second Greatest Gift The Father has given to mankind is a Gift mankind depends upon every day. The Gift is the heart that beats, announcing to individuals the Gift of life.

The Greatest Gift of course is the Soul, unseen, never heard, but every human being is conscious of Something they have that is of Great Importance. The sensitivity of human life announces to individuals openly, that human life is the Greatest living creation The Father has given.

It is sad to hear so much desecration, degradation to human life, justified by individuals who are insensitive to the Importance of human life, and do not understand in any degree what a Treasured Gift of Divine Love human life has within it, concealed.

Children are not being instructed on the importance of truth and untruths, the Gift of understanding what is moral, casting aside what is immoral. So little instruction is given on why mankind was created with so much, and so many areas in which a human being has talents, memory, intellect, and the productivity in so many ways, using the physical and the mental, engaging it in great projects that supersede all other living things.

Today as I speak, it is with a Love for The Divine, because mankind rarely thinks of The Divine as being in existence. There is so much emphasis on humanism, whether it is pure or impure, strong or weak.

Today as I speak, I speak with The Father’s Will, because you do live in a time where immorality is prevalent in all ages of living human beings, and there is very little understanding of the importance of purity of mind and body because of the Soul, though unseen, is evident through the intellect, because the intellect says to every individual: ‘Life is important, and I must understand that I have the ability, with my will, to do what is pure or act impurely. My will registers in every thought, every move, every interaction, and also through my intellect I am aware of being able to make decisions, and to correct my actions when they are improperly used.’

This Message I give to you on this day must reach the very young, but also other ages, because the world is going through an immoral state of acceptance, justifying all that is impure in thoughts, words, practices, followings, and demonstrations of personal associations with other human beings.

As I close My Words, I close Them with a Blessing. It is important for mankind to fully understand that each human being has a Gift beyond all other living things, and that is to be able to choose purity over impurity, right over wrong, truth over untruth, justice over injustice, love over hate, ‘Sainthood’ over Purgatory or Hell. So be it.”