Saint Columbkille

521 - 597

Saint Columbkille

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 27, 1998 at 1:48 pm


“I am Saint Columbkille.

The world has been given a Blessing for so many Reasons, in so many ways, helping mankind of all ages, all denominations, all cultures, to better understand the Value of human life, the Greatness it is, and that it is a Blessing to be human, because of the closeness this Gift of life has to The Creator of All Things.

Mankind in different ages of life, has opinions on what he or she likes to do, likes to be involved in, likes to learn. Today as I speak, there is no Greater Gift for all ages, all backgrounds, all denominations of beliefs, than for mankind to receive All that has been given with God’s Love, to make human life more beautiful, and to give so much assurance that human life is worthwhile, because it has a Goal that nothing else has.

Men, women and children look at the moon, the sun, the stars, the sky, and why they do not always ask, ‘Who created all this for me to see, to be a part of?’ We do not know, because the magnitude of this creation to surround human life could be made by no human being, or held in place by a human being.

A child is born, and so much is taken for granted, because mankind looks only at what he or she considers a human course of how things are created, thus eliminating that in each human creation there are Souls involved: the two existing Souls in the two who were prominent in the creation of this new life that automatically bears a Soul. So much attention is given to the human part. Rarely, if ever, is the Soul considered as Part of this Precious Gift of Divine Love that only human beings are the custodians of.

At this moment there are many immoral actions taking place, degrading to the Souls of individuals. Most, if not all, ignore totally that what they are doing when it is wrong, is that they are allowing the Souls of all involved a sadness beyond what a human knows sadness to be, because of the impurities that are evident, because of immorality.

The word ‘immorality’ doesn’t mean a thing to most human beings. Justification of it is evident, thus ignoring that in each conception or in each human act, there are Souls involved, and these Souls are Portions of The Father, unseen, but the Soul is what gives to human life so many Gifts of understanding what no other living thing has the ability to understand.

We hear ridiculous statements saying that, ‘Immorality is acceptable, because we are human.’ Mankind must understand that The Commandments of God, though not as indepthly stated at this time, as They were when They were given a long time ago, still cover the different concepts of actions that mankind indulges in, in many ways, and are not always sound morally, but can be stated as offensive to the Soul, thus denying the Purpose for The Commandments The Father gave, so that mankind would see that within each human life there was a Portion of Himself that is evident through the very knowledge of what is pure, and what is impure, in the human mind, abilities, activities, and/or how others are affected mentally, morally, physically, spiritually, causing them to respond impurely.

So many Blessings have been handed to mankind through Words, Directions, Instructions, based on Divine Love, for human life to see that human life is the only Creation born to the Image and Likeness of The Creator. So be it.”