Saint Justin

100 AD - 165 AD

Saint Justin

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 15, 1999 at 1:06 pm


“I am Saint Justin. Though My Name is not oftentimes used for requests, I come through This Gift of The Father’s Love today, hopefully to strengthen mankind’s moral views, moral values, moral standards, moral practices; learning also, to seek help from The Heavenly Father, The Beloved Heavenly Mother, Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit of The Father, and All Other Saints Who stand Here in the Heavens.

Granted, when one mentions the word ‘Heaven’, it is difficult for men, women and children to fully comprehend, to picture, or even to settle on an imaginary idea of what Heaven looks like.

Today there are Many Saints Who are standing Here with Me. Many of Them have spoken through This Gift of The Father’s Love at different times, not announcing Their Names, but what appeared as conversation on different subjects, because to offer One’s Name can be distracting to some individuals who need the Lesson more than the realization of Who is speaking the Words.

This Gift of The Father’s, This Gift of Communication, though It appears one-sided, is not one-sided, because It offers to all who will read What is spoken, the chance to make personal communication to Whichever Saint they choose to communicate with, and to remember that no communication to The Father, The Beloved Mother, or The Son, is ever not heard; also, when a Saint’s Name is called, He or She is immediately responsive.

Though this may be difficult to understand, It is Fact, It is Truth, and It is a sincere request for mankind of all ages, cultures, creeds, to accept it, to practice it, and to feel assured that no prayer goes unanswered, no communication unheard, no act of Faith dismissed without a response of some sort, some kind, some dimension.

As I speak, I speak with a deep Love for human life, because human life bears a dignity, a responsibility, and a closeness to The Divine that no other living matter or thing has the privilege of. I beseech you to remember What I have spoken and to use It, because in Its very essence, It has a moral, a Spiritual, and a physical effect on the human way of life, human Gift of life. So be it.”