Saint Andrew

5 AD  - 60 AD

Saint Andrew

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 20, 2002 at 12:34 pm


“I am Saint Andrew. I do not often speak openly through This Gift of The Father’s Love for human life, but there are many times I instill in the little one Words of Instruction, giving strength where it is needed, and hope where it is needed.

The world has been Blessed abundantly, more than any human being can fully understand. Blessings are taken for granted to the human mind, way of life. To most, it seems ordinary and acceptable.

The little one through whom We All speak is never ready to discipline anyone, because within her being she is fully aware that the sensitivities of human life causes individuals to be vulnerable to hurt, to denial, to correction, giving them a loss of hope in what they think, do, practice, or are involved in.

So Many Saints Here in the Heavens gather when One of Us is going to speak. So much has been delivered without It being put into script, but most of This was accepted as human communication, natural to the human way of life.

You live in a time wherein human beings of many ages feel they are accomplishing great acts of productivity in many areas. You also must see that egotism sometimes is stressed more than it should be.

When The Father gave to the world This Particular Gift, bearing the Name of The Beloved Saint Joseph, It was given to not only help all ages understand the Importance of human life, the Goal of human life, but the vulnerability human beings have in so many facets they are involved in, called ‘ordinary to human life’, ‘natural in human life’. There is so much, and so many areas wherein there should be more strictness in the importance of what is spoken, what is practiced, what is accomplished.

Individuals of all ages have been so reticent to stand firm where it is necessary. Needless to say, it would be difficult to change all denominations of human life, all mentalities, all egos and all goals, but All of The Saints Here in the Heavens want everyone born to the human way to recognize that there is a Goal for a Portion of them that they never see, but It is obviously there because of the innate knowledge that there is a right, there is a wrong, to many decisions in daily life; also, that the close association with others should be handled with discretion, and also, sometimes with a little perception of how to handle what another thinks, and what should be corrected.

I will close My Words, but with the closing I beseech all who read These Words to value What has been spoken previously in All that has been delivered, because The Father has allowed so much Direction and Divine Love to help human beings of all degrees of intelligence to realize that there is a Goal for human life, and That Portion of human life is a Portion of The Creator, the Soul.”