Saint Angela Merici

1474 - 1540

Saint Angela Merici

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 22, 2003 at 12:57 pm


“I am Saint Angela Merici.

There are Several of Us present, because of the Importance of This Gift of Divine Love, wherein The Father, in His Love for human life, uses Many, Many Saints Here in the Heavens to instruct, but also to explain many subjects regarding the Importance of human life, and The Father’s Will for how it should be treated, cared for, understood, and respected.

In so many areas throughout the world, even in the area in which I speak, there is so little respect for The Saints, thus for The Creator also, because All of Us Saints desire to help all human beings to not just sense the responsibilities of life, but to respond to them mentally, physically, emotionally, and with much love.

Whenever We hear two people tell each other they love each other, it sounds so simple, and yet We often question what their meaning of love is. Love is basically kindness, concern, and also a closeness that nothing else can be compared to. The human life, as it was created, was a Gift of Divine Love, because The Father, in the Creation of a human life, allowed it to be because He placed a Portion of Himself within it, to one day be returned to Him, a Saint.

Thousands of children are not being instructed properly; in fact, they are being allowed to act according to their mood, or their sensitivities or insensitivities in how they feel. This is a sadness beyond what I would like to reveal openly, because sensitivity begins at a very early age, and The Father Wills it to grow to such a great degree that the individual will resist anything immoral, indecent, unkind, impure, unjust, but at this time in which you live, so little emphasis is put on the True Existence of a Divine Creator that everyone will have to report to at a given time.

Even those who have taken on high Spiritual roles in life in teaching others, many, many times ignore the Value of what they are talking about, and the necessity for attention to be given to The Divine Way and Rule, but there is so much self-love throughout the world that The Divine is not the uppermost thought; it is what the individual holds important, even when it is impure.

I know I speak differently on this day, but you do live in a time of much immorality, disgracing the Soul that you were gifted with at the moment of your conception; also, there are very few apologies for this, and very few excuses. All is acceptable because of the mentalities that are involved in human beings of all ages. The Laws of The Creator are erased in many ways. I did not say They were not learned in the format They were given, but I did say, ‘They are being ignored, erased from the mentalities of even individuals who have very intelligent minds.’

Many might say, ‘Why would I talk on an issue like this, at this time, on this day?’ My answer to this is: because it is necessary to awaken the mentalities of human beings of all ages to stop ignoring what is right over what is wrong, also what is pure over impure, what is just over unjust.

Children are not getting the example they should have; in fact, they are being allowed, encouraged to practice things that are basically only catering to the evil one.

You do live in a time of great sorrow for All The Saints Here in the Heavens, because there seems to be no understanding regarding the Souls that should be thought about, cared for, protected, and remembered to be That Portion of human life that is a Portion of The Father.

As I close My Words, if I walked the human way, My tears for What I have had to speak would not have allowed your script to be able to be read, because of the Importance of human life, The Father’s Love for it, and the Goal He has awaiting it that so few individuals care to recognize, and yet the very same people look at other human beings, and want to have important places in their eyes.

I will close My Words, but I do with deep Love, because human life is gifted with a Portion of Divine Love that nothing else has.”