Many Saints

Many Saints

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 31, 2003 at 12:00 pm


“There are Many of Us present because of the Importance of This Gift that must be heard about by millions of other people in other places on this world you live.

The human mind thinks in so many ways, but oftentimes omits the importance of how they pray, what they say when they feel like they are praying, and the degree of sincerity of what they are saying is oftentimes cast aside, thus not realizing the respect prayer should have at all times.

In This Gift of Divine Love that bears the Name of The Beloved Saint Joseph, so much has been and is yet being opened verbally and through the written Words, how Important human life is, because it is gifted with a Portion of The Creator, called ‘the Soul’.

As We All speak through this one small human being, What the Father chooses to have released verbally and put into script, is of an importance that the human mentalities should know, should value, and adopt the methods, the reasonability of What is spoken, and definitely the importance of the Communication that is a Rare Gift of Divine Love.

We hear so many dismiss the importance of What is spoken and put into print, ignoring what a Great Gift of Divine Love such Direction is for the Future of their Souls, that need to be treated in a more protective manner, degree, because of Who They are a Portion of.

There are always Several of Us present where this little one is. She knows this, so when We decide to speak or to instill in her a Fact of importance, she knows It must be put into script to protect Souls that are oftentimes abused, ignored, or just never thought of to be present.

I will close These Words now, but I add to this: A Gift of This Measure should never be ignored by anyone, because every human being is the custodian of a Portion of The Creator, called ‘the Soul’.

I smile when I say the next Words: I bless you and I beseech you, follow purity of the mind and the body, and always concentrate on What is Willed by The Creator for you to reach, and that is to return to Him your Soul, of course, bearing your name. I plead with you, do not forget this.”