God The Father

God The Father
The Twelve Apostles

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 12, 2003 at 12:50 pm


There are Twelve Apostles present and They are discussing many things. They are waiting for The Father to arrive. He says to Them, “I am already Here.” They say, “We cannot see You.” He says, “You will see Me when I decide it to be.”

“At this time in which you live, remember you are always aware of those who are present physically, but The One that you would like to see, to speak to, is invisible to your eyesight, yet you are conscious of His Presence innately. Each day of your life this occurs. You do not always think about it, but it is a constant, consistent part of your life.

As Saints, They have the privilege to be close to those who are yet alive, many times helping an individual make decisions, especially when They are requested to give aid to a situation or matter that is important.

Prayer is a Powerful Gift of Divine Love even though it is silent, because the Soul, as a Portion of The Creator, is oftentimes the Messenger for the individual in whom It was placed at the moment of conception.

The Soul plays a Very Important Part in human life, because there are so many areas of human life that help is needed mentally, morally, psychologically, spiritually. The Soul aids the one who requests help when it is needed, to the degree feasible to The Father’s Will.

Now, as I speak, the Presence of Many Here with Me would be unbelievable to the average mentality. Think of it this way: As you believe in having a Guardian Angel, and if there are more human beings present, would there not be more Guardian Angels present?

The human mind has the ability to not just believe in a Gift of Divine Love, but to be a part of It, because the closeness an individual has with The Creator is far greater in reality than it is understood to be. Some individuals refuse to believe It even exists, but this is a sadness in some ways, because the belief gives strength, hope, assurance, and a definite feeling of what an individual gains, not just moral strength from, not just physical strength, but Spiritual strength, knowing that God would never reject a prayer, or a call for help in some way, some form, some degree.

Throughout the world there are thousands, even millions of men, women and children who daily need help in many ways — mentally, physically, morally; also, for their sensitivity in how they respond to all they are confronted with while they are awake.

Human life is gifted with a Portion of The Creator. This is a known Fact. Without This, a human being would be like all other living matter or things, but That Portion that is instilled at the moment of conception, is close to The Father in every moment of every day.

So little is seen by the naked eye, but human beings have been gifted with Hope. Hope has a tremendous effect on everything a human being partakes in, thinks about, or discusses, because Hope is in The Father’s Love, The Father’s Will, The Father’s Close Association to the Soul; thus, then to the body of an individual.

I could speak thousands and thousands and thousands of Words on the Importance of human life, the Purpose for which it was created, and The Divine Love that is a Great Part of it, an Important Part, because in the Creation of human life, The Father proved His Love for human life by placing upon the earth a Son, but never forget, The Son had a Mother and a Father. This Family Union was to give strength to all human beings of how Important the union of a family is in every facet of life. It has purpose. It unites the physical, the mental, the moral, the psychological and the goals.

Thousands of Words could be spoken, added to the Ones I have just spoken, because the Creation of human life is a Gift of Divine Love beyond what the human mentality can perceive it to be.

Each Message delivered through This Gift in which so Many speak, is a Gift of Divine Love, giving Hope, and more reality to what Hope is, and also, that the Foundation in human life is based on Love; of course, this was due to the fact that Love was the Foundation for The Creator to create life. I beseech you, remember this.”